Saturday, December 22, 2007

Organized Crime May Be Showing Us The Real Meaning Of Christmas!

Here in Los Angeles and in cities around our nation and throughout the world, an organized crime ring is working hard to keep Christ out of Christmas. Or are they? Maybe they've got a point here. Here in LA, a thief left notes this week in place of baby Jesus statues swiped from Nativity scenes in the yards of at least 12 Santa Clarita residences.

"They took the manger and the baby," said resident Vicki Combs.In the statues' place, the thieves left a note: "Do not worry for baby Jesus is not gone, yet he is just not born, yet. You can find your dear Jesus at OLPH on his birthday." OLPH stands for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, located near the residences. "We found 12 different sizes and types of baby Jesuses," said Msgr. Paul Montoya. "I'm not too sure if it's a young person's prank. We're not sure why they would do this." Montoya said the statues appeared overnight at the foot of a Virgin Mary statue in the church grotto. Church officials called the sheriff's department to report the thefts. Combs said she is pleased to have found her Jesus statue. "I think I'll nail it down," Combs said. DI advice to Ms. Combs...we think you may have the wrong holiday for "nailing!" How awkward!

But these organized crime rings aren't only related to Christmas. They are popping up everywhere. Nearly 80 garden gnomes snatched by a so-called gnome liberation group have been discovered -- apparently unharmed -- along the banks of a stream in France. It seems that "freeing" gnomes from "oppressive gardening" is a passion for some folks. Who gnew?

When people steal things like these to be malicious then it's wrong. Seriously wrong. Police have three wise men working hard on the local case. (pun intended). But in Santa Clarita, this local criminal is trying to make a point and not hurting anybody at the same time. Maybe people will realize that the true meaning of Christmas isn't iPods and Wii's. It's Christ...and he's the reason we have Christmas!