With all the negative news that's been happening in the world this week, I figured it's about time that you got to read a story (it'll be a continuing feature here at DiscoverInsanity.com) that'll make you smile!"Knut The Cute" the fuzzy little polar bear from Germany is in the news again. He has been dubbed "the world's tinyest celebrity" and he's making news again!
Knut fans can relax. Berlin Zoo has given the world-famous bear cub a clean bill of health and said he only had teething trouble on Sunday and Monday when he worried visitors by lying on the ground with his paws over his eyes. After taking antibiotics, he's playing again, but his cheek's a bit swollen.

"At the moment he is resting on his blanket and sleeping," Schuele said, adding that despite his lethargy Knut did eat his regular meal in the morning. Schuele did not know if Knut would be strong enough for public appearances in the next days.
And in other news, and I have no friggin' idea on why anyone would do this, the threat of some crazed animal-hater hangs over the unwitting cub. I guess that like many celebrities, Knut is paying the price of fame.
An anonymous animal-hater has sent a death threat against him to Berlin Zoo. Police don't think it's serious but Knut's 15 private bodyguards are being extra watchful. Andre Schüle, a vet at Berlin Zoo, said: "It's the first time we received a death threat. It was sent by mail. The fact that there isn't a big police presence here is a sign that they don't take it seriously." The zoo hasn't increased Knut's security detail which numbers 15 private guards who are mainly involved in crowd control, Schüle said. He added that Knut visitors would not be undergoing security checks such as backpack searches.
Germany's biggest-selling newspaper Bild Zeitung reported that the hand-written note contained only five chilling words: "KNUT IS DEAD! THURSDAY NOON." He's only five months old but little Knut has already faced more than his fair share of trials. He was rejected by his mother at birth and had to spend his first weeks in an incubator, only to be dismissed as not worthy of life by some animal experts sceptical about hand-rearing bears.
I hope you've enjoyed this "semi-cheery" update on Knut The Cute. I'll keep throwing out updates on this frisky little critter from time to time to break up some of insane news that I comment on here at DiscoverInsanity! Below you will find a couple of links to some interesting and funny Knut News.

Check out the links, enjoy and have a great day!